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During the 2023-2024 school year, the Superintendent will facilitate a formal review of co-curricular offerings that include athletic offerings, clubs, and activities. Interest surveys, meetings, and data analysis will take place to ensure 

student interests/needs are being met both at the elementary and middle/high school levels. This goal will be met by collecting data through both formative and summative data points, and the administrative team will report by mid-year on the findings. The review will include data analysis concerning current participation rates at each level and will ensure that participation rates and offerings align with the district’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. An action plan will be devised prior to the end of the year that adjusts future offerings accordingly. 

During the 2023-2024 school year, the Superintendent will work with the administrative team to conduct an educational facilities and program evaluation/review to identify plans for expanding current student educational programs and opportunities (ie, mental health services, STEAM, and/or career readiness opportunities); as well as implementing future programs 

and opportunities, with an innovative lens, to serve the current needs of our students and deliver skills for post-secondary life. This goal will be realized with a set plan, identified in our upcoming Comprehensive Plan, to expand academic and services for students.  

During the 2023-2024 school year, the Superintendent will work with the administrative team to build upon the robust LinkIT framework for data collection and analysis. The team will utilize common grade-level/subject-area assessments that ensure equitable learning opportunities for all students. The data collected will be used to ensure instructional consistency and refine grading practices. Ongoing analysis of individual, as well as grade-level progress, will drive our professional development efforts. Additionally, student grades will be updated, in real-time, to increase progress monitoring for parents and students. By leveraging data-driven insights, we aim to improve student outcomes, enhance instructional practices, and promote equitable educational opportunities. This goal will be met when common assessments are utilized across all grade levels and subject areas; and when PowerSchool grade books are updated weekly. 
JULY/AUGUST Chad Evans (Comprehensive Planning Consultant) met with the Administrative Team in July and August to coordinate District goals with upcoming Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives. Timelines and committee structures were established for stakeholder meetings, plan completion, and plan submission. Chad Evans (Comprehensive Planning Consultant) met with the Administrative Team in July and August to coordinate District goals with upcoming Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives. Timelines and committee structures were established for stakeholder meetings, plan completion, and plan submission. Chad Evans (Comprehensive Planning Consultant) met with the Administrative Team in July and August to coordinate District goals with upcoming Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives. Timelines and committee structures were established for stakeholder meetings, plan completion, and plan submission.
SEPTEMBER Teachers and club advisors were asked to provide accurate rosters for all co-curricular activities by September 30. In October, rosters will be analyzed for participation rates across grade levels, and activities, and various demographic data will be reviewed.  Dr. Takacs attended a meeting to learn about potential grant opportunities to secure adequate funding to expand program opportunities for our students. 

Mr. Rodoff attended the Montgomery County STEM council on September 19th.  On October 24th, he is taking two teachers form the district (Jenna Askin and Annie Kelly) as part of our STEM council team

PSSA and Keystone Exam Data uploaded in LinkIt.

New teachers provided access and information pertaining to data housed in LinkIt. 

PD time is devoted to teachers reviewing and analyzing data in LinkIt prior to beginning the school year. 

OCTOBER Reviewing data concerning participation rates for clubs, co-curricular activities, sports, etc..

Prepared data to share at November 6 DEI meeting concerning breakdown of club participants

Science department attended Keynote U-Strive Presentation at Arcadia and continues to dig into the STEELS Standards as we approach the re-writing of the Science Curriculum

Jenna Askin (6th grade Science) attended the MCIU STEM Council training with Ken Rodoff to enhance the STEM programming on the elementary level.

Booked Mental Health Assembly for Grades 6-12 for January 29

Arthur Mitchel from Stem Alliance to present 3rd workshop on Nov 7, 2023. Based upon feedback from staff surveys, he will be addressing equitable assessment strategies and activities as one of the focus points for this training, 

Data accessed and use by 7-12 SAP team during referral and intervention processes

Student Learning Objective Meetings held at MS/HS on October 19-20. Teachers and building administrators discussed data points and specific tools that would be used to measure student performance objectives for the 2023-2024 school year. Mid Year meetings will take place in February with end of year data review meetings to take place in June. 

Elementary review of grading and reporting expectations at October 9th faculty meeting

NOVEMBER DEI Committee meeting on November 6th to review inclusion data in clubs and co-curricular activities in elementary through secondary levels
DECEMBER Presentation of club data at the November Comprehensive Planning Meeting

Fall sports surveys sent out to all MS/HS teams

Completion of Action Planning items for the Comprehensive Plan

Arthur Mitchel to meet with 7-12 English Department to build upon STEM Alliance initiative

Science department continued planning for STEELS initiative and curriculum re-write

Science department attended monthly Saturday sessions for USTRIVE program. 

Junior Career Readiness Workshops taking place

7th and 8th Grade IGP meetings are now being scheduled as part of the Chapter 339 Plan

Completion of Action Planning items for the Comprehensive Plan

SAP Team met with Jessica Paist from Center for Empowerment to create opportunities to support student mental health during the school day through individual and group support

Elementary MTSS Team met with Becky Millsbaugh from MCIU to review MTSS protocol in alignment with up to date research on Tiers of support. MTSS team shared this updated information with the faculty at the December 11th faculty meeting. 

Benchmark data entered into LINKIT and reviewed by administrators and staff

Completion of Action Planning items for the Comprehensive Plan

Elementary MTSS team meets                                           weekly to review, analyze, and interpret student performance and behavior data. 

JANUARY The Comprehensive Plan that is being proposed this evening includes important recommendations based upon review of parents/guardian and student survey data concerning increasing offerings/revising co-curricular offerings through a systematic process in the next three years. 

Administrators and staff will now look for multiple ways to share surveys concerning current and future offerings. We continue to review participation rates in our current offerings as we move through each athletic season. Club/Activity participation rates for MS/HS activities have been reviewed for the 2023-2024 school year. 

Mr. Roller to attend Pennsylvania Educational Technology Conference in early February  to specifically focus on AI sessions and potential STEAM expansion. Resources and opportunities will be shared with fellow administrators and staff. 

Ms. Geary and Mr. Roller are working to bring Aldersgate services into our school as an educational opportunity for students. They also offer counseling services for students who have substance-related issues. We look to begin these services this spring and integrate lessons into advisory, health, and other related courses. 

The guidance department continues to meet and exceed the expectations of Chapter 339 regarding career readiness as student IGP meetings are taking place for grades 7-12, career workshops are being held for students in grades 9-11, and Middle School 339 activities are being completed under the guidance of Ms. McLoughlin. 

We have been advertising our Career Day event featuring alumni and community members as part of the 150th celebration. The event will take place on November 26 from 8:10 – 11:00 AM. Please reach out to alumni or community members who might be interested and connect them with Ms. Geary or Mr. Roller

On January 10th, the elementary faculty participated in a writing workshop training with Ms. Jessica Bien from the SPAC School Of the Arts in Sarasota, NY.   This training enhanced not only the faculty’s understanding of the writing workshop model, but also offered strategies that would increase student engagement in the writing process. 



DEI Committee met and discussed collecting data concerning homework and grading practices. This will be done at the building levels. 

DEI committee also discussed the Honors’ trip and data related to whether there is an equity issue with the trip. Home and School and the MS/HS administration are working to determine whether a trip or other activity will occur this year. 

Mid-year Benchmarks in ELA via Aimsweb,  and Math via Aimsweb and Imagine Math,  were completed in January at the elementary level. This data is used to monitor student growth from the beginning of the year benchmarks administered at the end of September.  

Elementary MTSS data team meets every Tuesday to review student data to monitor individual progress of identified students. 

FEBRUARY Mary Fitzgerald met with the K-2 teachers on 2/7/24 to review the Social Studies Curriculum that was approved in January in order to best support the implementation of the new curriculum. 

Mrs. Tresnan and Mrs. Van Meter attended the Pennsylvania Association for Middle Level Educators conference and shared resources with staff members and administrators. One potential resource is a supplemental math resource that could be used in grades 3-12 for spiral review and differentiation. 

Aldresgate will begin lessons concerning vaping with our middle school students this spring. The advisory classes and health/pe classes have been targeted as starting points for these sessions. 

Mirmont Outpatient Services is working with the MS/HS SAP team to organize educational programs concerning mental health for students, staff, and families. We will reach out to Home and School with potential topics for parent/guardian presentations in the near future. 

Elementary Reading Specialist, Jackie Ozga, is leading a committee to review potential ELA curricular programs for adoption by the elementary school for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Homework and Grading policy surveys were distributed to all staff members and are being completed. The data will be shared at the DEI committee meeting on March 18th.

Climate surveys are currently being completed by students, staff, and families. The data collected from these will be shared out with the community in the near future.

Benchmark data was shared with parents of 4th grade students that were interested in seeing the progress their child made in ELA and Math from the beginning of the year benchmark to the mid year benchmark.  

MARCH Kindergarten through second-grade teachers visited Kulp Elementary School on March 5th to see Fundations in action and to gain a deeper understanding of implementing the program with fidelity at JES. The DEI committee met on March 18th to discuss: 

1)  the teacher survey results of equity grading practices K-12 (primarily focusing on homework), 

2) the interaction between general education & special education students, and

3) how to enhance participation in conferences for our minority students. 

APRIL Interest meetings for clubs and sports for next year are taking place so decisions can be made about what clubs/activities have enough student interest. 

Staff at both buildings are engaged in discussions concerning future offerings of co-curricular activities and clubs/organizations. 

Teachers and administrators met to plan a Unified Physical Education Elective at the MS/HS. We hope this is the first of many activities to build upon the success of our Unified Bocce Season.

Seniors Marc Metellus and John Byler have won their respective categories in the Media and Design Competition (“MADcom”)! 

Marc entered the 3D Printing Category with his project “Atlas Wrist Device”

Marc’s description of his project: “My device is intended to aid a variety of people who are constantly using a computer, and it is growing increasingly prominent in people’s day-to-day lives.”

John entered the Programming Category with his project “Genetic Congressional Redistricting”

John’s description of his program: “The primary goal of the project is to significantly improve the goal metrics on test states within the United States.”

The State Competition will be May 21, 2024, at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA.

Aldersgate Anti-Vaping Lessons are taking place in 7th grade Health and Advisory Classes.  

The MS/HS Administration and Guidance Department are reviewing the Act 158 Graduation Statuses for all seniors. We are happy to report that all seniors in the Class of 2024 will have met the PDE Graduation Pathways Requirements. 

All Guidance and Career Workshops to meet Chapter 339 Mandates have been conducted for the year and data entered into our database. All students in Grades 7-12 have a comprehensive career education experience that is documented in our database to meet Chapter 339 guidelines. 

The Administrative team began working on creating building schedules for both the elementary and secondary schools for the 2024-2025 school year. 

Mr. Cummins recently attended the Consortium of School Networks Leadership Conference, which centered on strategies for preventing cyber attacks, mitigating their impacts, and safeguarding district data. The conference featured a variety of interactive sessions, including table-top simulations of ransomware attacks, discussions on mitigating ransomware post-incident, and workshops on third-party risk management. Additionally, there were sessions dedicated to enhancing overall cybersecurity measures, the role of CTOs in educating administrative teams, and using artificial intelligence to strengthen cybersecurity within school districts.

On April 23rd, The Elementary School participated in a training led by Lauren Banfield of the MCIU titled: Using aimswebPlus to inform instruction and intervention supports. Through this workshop, teachers enhanced their understanding of data interpretation and how to use data to offer targeted support for all students. 

The Elementary MTSS team conducted their end-of the- year grade level meetings to review successes as well as to create grade level watch lists for the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year. 

Mr. Roller and Dr. Jahnke reviewed the 2024 PBIS climate survey data and made comparisons with the results of the PBIS climate survey conducted in December of 2022. This information will be presented to the Board of School Directors at the May 20th School Board Meeting.

MAY The Center for Family Empowerment is providing group and individual counseling services for students. 
JUNE On June 5th Mrs. Askin and Mrs. Owen began writing the Elementary Science curriculum to meet the STEELS standards to be implemented in preparation for the state mandated implementation for the 2025-2026 school year.

On June 5th, Mrs. Herr continued writing the 6th Grade ELA curriculum.

Mary Fitzgerald oversaw the writing of the STEELS and ELA curricula. 

On June 6th, the Elementary Data Team reviewed the Spring Aimsweb+  benchmark assessments and identified students in need of Tier 3 support.  These students were placed on a “watch list” to receive targeted support to begin the 2024-2025 school year.