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When there is a reasonable expectation of an event (e.g. weather), early morning school delay, or school cancellation, automated phone calls will only be made from our One Call Now system to family contact numbers in our PowerSchool Student Information System.

School Closing

The decision, made by the Superintendent at around 6:00 am in the morning, is based on a careful assessment of various factors, including weather conditions and the safety of our students and staff.

The school district may decide to open late (1 or 2 hours), close for the day, or close early based on emergency conditions or weather.

The district closing number is 400.

Please note, in addition to the automated phone calls, you may also check the following sources:

  • District website
  • District Facebook Page
  • District e-mail will be sent to registered parents
  • Radio and TV at CBS 3, KYW radio 1060 AM, 6 ABC, NBC 10, Fox 29

Delayed Opening

Whenever feasible, the District will utilize a two-hour delay. This will allow the District and local road crew additional time to clear the snow and prepare the building for student arrival.

                                                                             Regular time               Delay time

                        Elementary School                  8:30 am                       10:30 am

                        Middle/High School               8:00 am                       10:00 am


School will dismiss at the regular time        

                        Elementary School                 3:00 pm                       3:00 pm

                        Middle/High School                2:45 pm                       2:45 pm

Early Dismissal

In the event that school must close early, you will be notified by phone and e-mail. Please make sure the school has your cell phone number and correct e-mail. Each family must make contingency plans to ensure their child will have adult supervision.

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