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Courses are designed to help students become astute readers and effective written and spoken word communicators. Students read the classics and contemporary texts, write analytically and persuasively, learn the standards of written English, and develop critical thinking skills. In addition, the English electives strive to develop student’s creativity and imagination, allowing students to discover their own voices.

Click on each course name to learn more about it.

English - Grade 7

English - Grade 8

Create Writing - Grade 7 or 8

English 1 - Grade 9

English II - Grade 10

Honors English II - Grade 10

English III - Grade 11

Honors English III - Grade 11

AP Literature and Composition - Grade 11

English IV - Grade 12

Honors English IV - Grade 12

AP Language and Composition - Grade 12

Book Club 101


Introduction to Cinema

Creative Writing Independent Study

Public Speaking

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