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Elizabeth Hetrick, RN, School Nurse

Phone 215-884-2933 x 111

Fax:  267-628-3330


Kindergarten: students need a physical form dated within one year and a dental form.  If you have not handed these in please do so the first week of school. Click the link (highlighted blue) if you need the forms.    Please reach out with any questions.

11th grade: Physical form due– this can be in the form of a sports physical- please forward me a copy when you send a sports physical to Mr. O’Brien.


Immunize flyer.pdf – This lists the immunizations needed for school entry

Kindergarten- Due at registration

7th grade- Due within 5 days of school start- Tdap and Meningococcal shots- ages 11-12

12th grade- Due within 5 days of school start- Second Meningococcal shot after age 16


There are standing orders from our school doctor when paired with parent permission for specific medications including:

Tylenol for headache or fever over 100 and parent can not pick up for over an hour

Ibuprofen for pain, menstrual cramps, or headache

Benadryl- for hives/bee stings but student must be monitored for 6 hours following administration and should be picked up from school

PLEASE NOTE: You must fill out the PowerSchool form giving permission for these medications.  They can not be given without parent permission.  This information is emailed over the summer and can be found under the Health Information/Emergency Medical Information tab.

All other medications, including over-the-counter medications, must have a doctor’s order with parent permission.   The nurse is unable to give medication without the doctor’s order.  Medication needs to be in the original bottle from the pharmacy with the pharmacy label attached.  Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions.

Medication is not permitted to be carried by students unless it is an emergency medication as outlined by the state of Pennsylvania.  Emergency medications are defined as asthma inhalers, epi pens, glucose, and insulin.


Please reach out if your child has any medical conditions that would need attention during the school day.  There are some conditions that need emergency care plans in place for the safety of your child.  It is best to talk to the nurse directly about any medical concerns.

Flu Clinic October 21 during the school day:

The flu clinic is scheduled for Monday, October 21, 2024.  If you are interested please fill out the flu permission forms and return them to me by October 15th.  Email forms to:

The Smile program is coming to Jenkintown on November 20 and 2, 2024!  We need at least 25 students to participate in order for this event to take place.  If your child is in need of a dental visit and has not had a dental visit in six months prior to November 20th they are eligible with insurance.  The mobile dentist will come to school and do dental exams and cleanings.  They are also able to fill small cavities.  Please see the form attached if you are interested in having your child participate. Please return the forms by November 12th.

Additional resources:

Here are the links for emergency care plans if you need them:

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