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MS/HS Supply Lists

Click on the tabs below to view the different supply lists.

Algebra I


Pack of Pencils
Large notebook dedicated to Algebra 1

Loose leaf paper
Scientific Calculator–for use during the second semester
Graph Paper

6 inch or 12 inch ruler

Folder for returned papers



Colored Pencils

Algebra II

Pack of Pencils
Binder dedicated to Algebra 2
Loose Leaf Paper
Graph Paper
6 or 12 inch Ruler
Scientific Calculator (Recommended: Texas Instruments TI-30X IIS)

AP Calculus

Three-ring binder and folder OR spiral-bound notebook with pockets
Calculator with Graphing Capabilities (Texas Instruments TI-84 or TI-84 Plus Recommended, Must Be AP Appoved)


Art Supplies (for all levels)- One Sketch Book. Unlined, blank white. 5×7” minimum size, 8.5×11″ or comparable is IDEAL.

English I and AP Literature

1. set of different colored highlighters
2. 2-3 inch binder (Just for English.  Do not share with other subjects)
3. 5 dividers
4. Lined paper



Pack of Pencils

Large notebook dedicated to Geometry

Loose leaf paper
Scientific Calculator

6 inch or 12 inch ruler

Folder for returned papers



Colored Pencils or Markers

Extra erasers




*3-ring binder
*Writing Utensils: pens, pencils

International Relations

-3 Ring Binder
-Dividers for each unit of study
-Loose leaf paper
-Writing Utensils: pens, highlighters, pencils

Physical Education

Gym shorts
Personal hygiene items


Three-ring binder and folder OR spiral-bound notebook with pockets
Calculator with Graphing Capabilities (Texas Instruments TI-84 or TI-84 Plus Recommended, Others Available)

Science Courses

7th grade

students choice of binder (can share with other classes) or notebook/folder, writing utensils, scientific calculator

8th grade

1″ or 1″ 1/2 inch binder (cannot be shared with other classes), writing utensils


3 ring binder (can share with other classes) , writing utensils

Honors Bio

3 ring binder (can share with other classes) , writing utensils


students choice of binder or notebook/folder, writing utensils, scientific calculator


students choice of binder or notebook/folder, writing utensils, scientific calculator


3 ring binder, writing utensils, scientific calculator

Conceptual Physics

3 ring binder, writing utensils, scientific calculator

Honors/AP Physics

3 ring binder, writing utensils, scientific calculator

Environmental Science

1 inch binder or bigger binder to share with other classes; calculator with log function, writing utensils, colored pencils optional

Social Studies

7th Grade, World Geography

-3 ring binder, 2 inches recommended (Not to be shared with other classes)
-Composition book
-Color pencils
-1 pack of subject dividers
-Pack of loose leaf paper

11th Grade, U.S. History

• 3-ring binder
• Loose leaf paper
• Composition book
• Writing Utensils: pens, pencils, highlighter
• 1 pack of subject dividers

Spanish & French Courses

  • A notebook (or section of notebook/binder dedicated exclusively to foreign language);
  • Pencils/pens; and
  • Headphones or earbuds.


Three-ring binder and folder OR spiral-bound notebook with pockets
Calculator with Statistical Capabilities (Texas Instruments TI-84 or TI-84 Plus Recommended, Others Available)

7th Grade

All 7th Grade Students will need the following supplies for all classes:

Large 2” binder, set of 5 dividers, pencil case, pens, pencils, erasers, loose-leaf paper, ruler

Supplies needed by subject:

Subject Required Supplies Optional Supplies
  • Folder, hole-punched
  • Single-subject notebook
  • 4 packages post-it notes
  • 2 packages 3”x5” index cards
  • Highlighters
Math – Pre-Algebra A, Pre-Algebra Accelerated, Algebra I
  • Graph paper
  • Pencils
  • TI-30x IIs Calculator
  • 4-pack dry erase markers
Colored pencils
Science 7
  • Folder, hole-punched
  • Pencils
  • TI-30x IIs Calculator
  • Earbuds or headphones
  • Pencils
  • Highlighter
Colored pencils
  • Folder, hole-punched
  • Folder, hole-punched
  • Sketchbook – at least 5”x7”, or 8 ½”x 12”
  • 2 black folders
  • Any size journal
Tech classes
  • USB mouse
  • headphones
  • Woodwinds – extra reeds
  • Brass – valve and slide oils


Links to purchase the supplies listed above;

Shopping List with Staples Links


Amazon List


8th Grade English

1) Single Subject Folder (smart to color code for each subject)
2) Single Subject notebook (matching color)
3) Blank journal (any type student likes) (to keep daily writing journal)
4) Post it notes (4 packages)
5) 2 packages of index cards
*To be shared with other courses
4) Pencil case with pen, pencils, and highlighters (must be with students daily)
5) Headphones / earphones

8th Grade Math & Pre-Algebra

  • Calculator – TI-30xIIs
  • Lined paper – College Ruled or Wide Ruled – enough for the year
  • Pencils – enough for the year!!!
  • 3″ Binder shared with all classes

8th Grade Science

  • 3″ binder shared for all classes
  • Pencils
  • Paper

8th Grade US History

*3″ binder shared with all classes
*Writing Utensils: pens, pencils

World Cultures

– 3 ring binder
-Dividers for each unit of study
-Loose leaf paper
-Writing Utensils: pens, highlighters, pencils
-Set of colored pencils

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