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Dr. Christopher Janke, Elementary Principal

Welcome To Jenkintown Elementary School!

I am Dr. Jahnke, and I am delighted to begin my 3 rd year as principal of this amazing school. Wehave an incredible faculty and staff that support all of our students in kindergarten through 6th grade. Jenkintown is rich in tradition, and each year, our elementary students participate in a wide range of activities inside and out of the classroom. Activities such as the jog-a-thon, MLK
day of service, and of course Color Day, are only a few of the highlights.

The faculty at JES hold a strong belief that ALL students can succeed, and to that end, we offer supports for all learners in a manner of ways. Each grade has a daily WIN (what I need) time built into their schedule and teachers use this time to work with students in all areas. Additionally, our counselor, Mrs. DeMarco, works with students in groups, as well as individually, to help students navigate through any challenges they may be experiencing. Our
building-wide positive behavior program called C.A.R.E.S. reinforces the positive contributions students make as they exhibit positive behavior choices.

Our robust curriculum, diverse activities, and especially our creative and talented faculty, make Jenkintown Elementary School a great place for learning and growing.

Go Drakes!