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Educating the children of Jenkintown since 1874

The School District of Jenkintown is located in suburban Montgomery County, three miles north of Philadelphia. The population of the .58 square mile community is approximately 4,500.

Our district houses two schools, Jenkintown Elementary School and Jenkintown Middle/High School, which has an enrollment of over 700 students in grades K-12.

The village of Jenkintown became a borough in 1874, the same year the first Board of Education was organized. There were three teachers, a principal, a primary teacher, and an assistant to the principal. The district had 60 students.

In 1895, there were 310 pupils; in 1904, the first addition to the school was erected (picture shown). There were sixteen teachers in 1919 and twenty-three in 1928.

The present high school was erected in 1923, and the present elementary school was erected in 1936. Both buildings were added and altered as they grew in size and scope of the program. The most recent addition to the elementary building was in 1969-1970. A new wing was erected to house two kindergarten rooms, a cafeteria and kitchen, and a music room. In 2006, the “Link” was built, and both buildings were completely renovated.

The School District of Jenkintown now serves a student body of about 700 students. It employs a teaching staff of approximately sixty. It is administered by a superintendent of schools, a high school principal, an elementary principal, a director of special education/pupil services, a director of technology, and a business administrator.