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Who can register?

Only the parent or legal guardian of any school-aged child who lives within the Jenkintown Borough limits can enroll their child at Jenkintown School District. The child must reside with them at least 50% of the time throughout the entire year.

How do I start the registration process?

By completing a Registration Form here.

What will I need to register?

  1. A lease, deed, or current Jenkintown Borough property tax document indicating that you are the owner or renter at a Jenkintown borough address, where you also reside


  1. current credit card statement, utility bill, tax document, car registration ­or bank statement with the appropriate Jenkintown address -AND-
  2. A current driver’s license or state ID with a matching Jenkintown address -AND-
  3. Current, updated immunization records -AND-
  4. The student’s birth certificate or passport -AND-
  5. If applicable, any legal documentation (e.g. custody agreements, court orders, IEPs, etc.) relevant to your student -AND-
  6. If applicable, a report card or transcript from the student’s prior school

You may submit these documents via email to,  drop off copies at the school security desk, or mail copies to:

ATTN: Registrar
Jenkintown School District
250 West Avenue
Jenkintown, PA 19046

Please do not submit original documents.

If you and your child live with a third party, or you do not appear on the lease or deed for another reason, please get in touch with Kristin Reed at, or 215-885-3722 ext. 110 for more information.

If you are unable to complete the process online, and you require a hardcopy registration packet, please contact Kristin Reed.


Please contact Kristin Reed

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